New Issues Titles for Autumn 2024!
We're excited to announce the latest Issues titles for Autumn 2024. This time we have focused on body image & self-esteem, how to challenge racism, the cost-of-living crisis and how it's affecting all of us, sexual health & STIs, anti-bullying and bullying prevention, and how to protect our privacy.
Vol. 446 Body Image & Self-Esteem
ISBN: 978 1 86168 906 1
Over a third of adults have felt anxious or depressed because of their body image. But what can make people feel this way?
This book examines reasons for poor body image, such as influences from the media, confidence issues, and how to have a positive body image.
Vol. 447 Challenging Racism
ISBN: 978 1 86168 907 8
Over a third of people from minority groups have experienced racist assaults in the UK.
This book explores different types of racism, who experiences racism, why it happens, and how it can be prevented.
Vol. 448 Cost-of-Living Crisis
ISBN: 978 1 86168 908 5
One in five people in the UK lives below the poverty line.
This book explores the issue of poverty in the UK and around the world, it examines the causes and effects of poverty on families and communities, as well as ongoing efforts to eliminate it.
Vol. 449 Sexual Health & STIs
ISBN: 978 1 86168 909 2
Sexual health is about more than just avoiding sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unplanned pregnancies. It means being responsible for your own body, health and decisions about sex —and respecting those of your partner.
This book addresses a variety of issues related to sex, including contraception, myths, and soaring STI rates.
Vol. 450 Anti-Bullying
ISBN: 978 1 86168 910 8
One in two children experience bullying in the UK. With social media, many people have no escape from their bullies.
This book looks at statistics around bullying, its impact on victims and how bullying can be prevented.
Vol. 451 Protecting Our Privacy
ISBN: 978 1 86168 911 5
Privacy in an online world is becoming increasingly difficult. Everything you do online is recorded, leaving a digital shadow behind you.
This book looks at ways to protect your data, spot scams, and staying safe online.
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